Greetings! Welcome to my craptastic page.

Greetings! Welcome to my craptastic page.

Not a lot to see here right now, but I do have a couple of pages linked off here and I might add things such as projects later on. I can be contacted on IRC or on 2m band Somersby (146.725Mhz).
  • About me, and the crazy stuff I like. Link!
  • VAX generated traditional A3 printable FORTRAN Snoopy calendars: 1969 2024 2025
  • Sinclair/Amstrad Spectrum +2B Disassembly. Link!
  • Brand New Boxed MicroVAX. Link!
  • Amiga 500 with USB thumb drive hackery. Link!
  • pdp-11/73 restoration. Link!
  • I like VMS. Here's some random tips I pass out to new hobbyists. Link!
  • I have started messing around with radios. Here's my Yaesu VX-7R mod. Link!
  • First attempt at portable HF. Yes I know the antenna needs to be higher.. now. Got a few contacts. Baby steps! :)Link!
  • After my first balcony mast I was given was destroyed by winds, I reproduced the idea. Link!
  • Fujitsu TeamServer M/C/I 700i Driver and config disks Link!
  • Uni days were great. I was part of a great club called MINCS. Here is some of the history and photo's from that era. Link!
  • Random drivers, pics and hardware dumping ground.Link!
  • Review: Pinebook PINE64 ARM Laptop Review after a few monthsLink!
  • Check out Nigwil's Retro Computing Taswegia page: Link!
  • I like 8-bit MOS6502 based computers. Here is my KIM-1 Page. Link!
  • Here is the KIM-1 predicting the next few solar eclipses for Sydney.Each year takes a little over an hour and a half for the 1Mhz MOS6502 to process. Much slower than the original fortran version of the software that ran for only a few minutes on the VAX we used in my TAFE/Uni numerical processing units.Link!
  • I tried to play Torchlight. It killed my character so I wrote a quick backup and character + mod saver. Link!
  • Mirror of "This Old SGI" site from 1996. A wonderful resource that helped me get a Power4D-210GTX running Link!
  • IRC Link!

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